Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Actually the world is virtually getting smaller, with the communication media, borders are vanishing. That is why knowledge is widening and the world and human demands are growing day by day. Therefore, I consider it necessary to expand and share our perspectives in order to innovate, actualize and adapt to the technological and scientific revolution.
I think so the first aim of mine is graduate my school very successfully and I really want to take possession of my profession and all kind of skills. For term of my university during four years the most important responsibility is must learn very well and have to be good student, for this reason I am studying at my university. I always proud of my university and I think so I am really one of the lucky student because my profession is very useful, with future prospects, important , lead of development, the nicest profession I think so… So my studying university is the best university at my hometown.
Our school has really big and true system of study and the best engineers and teachers all teaching at my school so I am happy and I have to study very well from them. If I want to be good telecommunication engineer I need to study well, Studying well is first step and begin my life because How I am studying now it will describe my next steps and my life. If I can take possess good English and other language speaking, writing, listening, read , of course also my profession skills I can get my purpose and future plan. For that reason I am trying and trying…
At future I want to be good skilled engineer for my position so I really wanna to build my life for my own hand, then I hope that I will be perfect at my position. Last one is I really want to do good and new things for my native land Mongolia. There is too many good engineers in Mongolia, they did too much new and wonderful s. Telecommunication is developing very fast now. There are many developed nations in the world for example Japan, USA, Germany, Holland etc… The first one is Japan so my dream is develop my country just like Japan. My dreams come true at future, I hope that…
Because of my one of big dream is studying as my profession in Japan and will study there many adventure so do the best in Mongolia. We are living in one world all people need to learn from each others if I wanna to learn from others I need good skill for understanding in other hand I need good English first because English is an international language then I am learning English also Japanese. I think that I can learn, I have to learn both of them. Language skill is the most necessary indices of specialist telecommunication engineer. If anyone has good skills for language, profession, character, skills work with group he or she can get good position their company or organization. There is a phrase –If you can try you can get everywhere…I agree that phrase cause my is , my future cares from me. So I have good skilled engineer I can do good, nice job. If I will satisfy for my job and I will do what am I want to do work , I will enough salary and kife from my job. If I could be perfect at my job, salary is no problem I think so.
Now is modern, global, free century I am living… maybe every person wants to work in company with comfortable, friendly, has good salary. But it cares from them , in my opinion.
After graduate my university I am planning to study in Japan as profession master degree. I am trying to get that step and preparing for exam and myself. But it is my second step , before that I must finish my university. After II had got my second step I will apply third step at my future.
I will study from Japanese telecommunication system, growth, technology, advancements , then I will do all of goods…
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cover letter
central tower
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 976
Dear Mr and Ms:
As an experienced communications professional, I'm very interested in the American Organizations's Director of Communications position.
I have a proven track record in almost all of the competencies you're seeking. Here are a few highlights:
Handled a wide range of creative services, collaborating with creative services peers, subordinates and vendors to produce marketing and other print communications, as well online communications and video projects.
Exceptional writing and editing skills honed over the past 13 years in public relations and corporate communications; from press releases to newsletters to video scripts to web sites and yes, guest columns.
Developing and implementing communications strategies for reaching employees and other stakeholders.
Providing communications counsel and expertise to executives and managers for issues management, benefits communications and employee relations.
In my current role at Company A, I've worked closely with nonprofits while administering our corporate marine conservation donation program. This is the most rewarding part of my job, helping connect worthy organizations with funding.
As a recent transplant to Miami, I still own a home in Tampa and would love to put my skills to work back in Tampa. While I really appreciate my current company, colleagues and boss - I've discovered that living and working in Tampa is where I would rather be.
I will call in one week to follow up and find out if I can answer any questions or provide any work samples.
Business letter
Ulaanbaatar City
March 25, 2009
Ms. Tuul
Office tower
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Dear Ms.Tuul ,
This is with reference to your application for the post of a telecommunication's engineer.
You are requested to appear for an interview for the said post, on 1st September, 19 at 10.30 a.m. in the office of the undersigned.
You will be paid first class railway fare (both ways) from your city to Mongolia. For claiming the fare, you will have to produce the ticket or the railway money receipt.
Please bring with you, your certificates and testimonials in original for verification.
Yours sincerely,
Reference letter
I am writing this reference at the request of M.Tselmeg who is applying for telecommunication's engineer with IT university.
I am writing this reference at the request of M.Tselmeg .she has asked me to provide this general letter that she may show to any prospective school.who asks her for references.
this is a confidential letter and should be shared only individuals in your organization.who are directly involved in the selection decision.this letter should not be shown to M.Tselmeg who waived the right to see the letter.
I have known M.Tselmeg for in my capacity as telecommunication's engineer at your organization. M.Tselmeg took Tselmeg from me and earned grades in those classes.
Based on M.Tselmeg grades excellent attendance and class participation, I'd rate M.Tselmeg 's academic performance in my class as rating.
M.Tselmeg has a number of strengths to offer telecommunication engineer .list qualities here supporting each one with examples.Focus on qualities relevant to the opportunity the student is seeking.
In conclusion, i would highly recommend M.Tselmeg .if her performance in my class is any indication of how she perform in your position, M.Tselmeg will be a positive addition to your organization.
your faithfully
2. What about this text? understanding in general.
3. To find main sentence.
4. See complex sentence.
5. To make know words
6. To examine carefully read and to see no knows words.
7. Starting to translate.
8. Choose propagate words from dictionary.
9. Find main idea of sentence by linking words understanding.
10. To join translated sentences.
11. Compare the translated sentences another with sentences.
12. To revise to make a mistakes.
13. To correct a mistakes.
14. Read the sentences and check sentences idea.
15. To put in order writing from beginning.
• Name :Tselmeg.M
• Address:52-108apartment, Bayangol district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
• Country: Mongolia
• Telephone: -
• Cell- phone: 99023206
• E-mail: tselmeg2008@yahoo.com
Personal information:
• Date of birth: 07/14/1990
• Place of birth: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
• Citizenship: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
• Gender: Female
• University: 2007-2011 Information and Telecommunication University.
• High school: 1997–2007 38-nd school of Bayangol district
Professional qualifications:
• Computer skills: use of computer program is excellent
Technical skills and competences:
• Excellent C++ program language skills.
• Good knowledge MATLAB, Work bench
• English (excellent)
• Read book
• Listen to music
• Watching TV
FIRST NAME:Tselmeg 3X4
1. General information
Date of birth:1989/07/14
Place of birth:Ulaanbaatar,Mongolia
Registration No:UU89071480
Social insuranc:00289645
ID card No:6320151
Medical insurance:029654
Driving License No:181221
2. Previous Employment (start with the most recent)
Period of Employment
Reason for leaving Position Held Name of Organization and contact number.
2008/09/15 Дадлагын хугацаа дууссан монтер Таван Богд ХХК
2010/06/20 Чөлөө авсан теллер Анугоо ХХК
3. Education and Training Courses
Date of Completion Specialization Institution Diploma and Certificate No
2003 Бүрэн дунд Улаанбаатар 38-р сургууль 0021021
2007/06/15 Laon Officer and teller Ulaanbaaatar 032154
4. Contact details
Home address:52-108, 4th district, 19 th khoroo, Bayangol district
Home tel. No.:11362821
Mobile phones No.:99023206
Post office address:256
E-mail address:tselmeg2008@yahoo.com
5. Languages
Language Skill Speaking Listening Reading Writing
English 4 4 4 4
German 5 5 5 5
Key = 1-Unacceptable 2-Below average 3-Average 4-Above average 5-Excellent
6. Other
Computer Skills
,Unix, lunix, C++, Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Macromedia, Movie Maker, Adobe
7. Emergency
Contact details of two persons in case of emergency:
Name : Munkhjargal.B
Address: 52-108, 4th district, 19 th khoroo, Bayangol district
Tel : 88825382
Relationship: Father
Name : Otgonbayar.D
Address:52-108, 4th district, 19 th khoroo, Bayangol district
Tel: 88805282
Relationship: Mother
2. Words to look
3. Activity to distinguish
4. Advantage to distinguish
5. Words all to write
6. For to north read
7. To look conjunction link
8. Divide in half write
9. To hail look
10. To assemble read
11. To look comma
12. Sentence in better to look
13. To find content
14. Complete for things write
15. To look sum up
Ажлын зар / монголоос англи руу/
Ашигт малтмалын хайгуул, ашиглалтын үйл ажиллагаа явуулж буй Монголын уул уурхайн Оюу Толгой ХХК-ий Улаанбаатар хот дахь Захиргааны хэлтэст "Жолооч"-ийн албан тушаалд таван (5) ажилтан сонгон шалгаруулж авна.
Өргөдөл гаргагч нь ажлын байрны ёс зүйг чанд баримталдаг байх ба дараах ур чадварыг эзэмшсэн байх ёстой.
Тавигдах үндсэн шаардлага:
* Монгол Улсад авто тээврийн хэрэгсэл жолоодох эрхийн үнэмлэхтэй байх
* Жолоодох эрхийн B, C, D ангилалтай байх
* 3-с доошгүй жил тухайн ангиллын тээврийн хэрэгслийг жолоодож байсан ажлын туршлагатай байх
* Монгол Улсын Замын хөдөлгөөний дүрмийг сайн мэддэг байх
* Анхан шатны англи хэлний яриа болон бичгийн мэдлэгтэй байх
* Автомашины механикийн болоод онолын, агрегатын тодорхой хэмжээний мэдлэг ба туршлагатай байх, техникийн анхан шатны засвар үйлчилгээг хийж чаддаг байх
* Эмнэлэгийн анхан шатны тусламж үзүүлэх чадвартай байх
* Ажлын ачаалал дааж шуурхай ажиллах чадвартай байх
* Ажлын бус цагаар ажиллах боломжтой байх
Бусад шаардлага:
• Аюул тулгарсан үед зорчигчдын болон өөрийн амь насыг хамгаалан түүнээс зайлж гарах туршлага болон самбаачлах чадвартай байх
• Олон төрлийн мэргэжил, соёл, заншилтай хүмүүстэй ойлголцон ажиллаж чадвартай байх
• Багаар ажиллах чадвартай байх
• Газар зүйн байрлал тогтоох багаж хэрэгсэлийг (GPS, луужин г.м) ашиглаж чаддаг байх
Гүйцэтгэх үндсэн үүрэг:
• Хөдөлмөр хамгаалал аюулгүй ажиллагааны дүрмийг дагаж мөрдөн, Монгол Улсын замын хөдөлгөөний дүрэм болоод бусад хууль тогтоомжийг биелүүлж ажиллах
• Тээврийн хэрэгсэл жолоодох аюулгүй ажиллагааны дүрмийг байнга даган биелүүлж, өөрийн хариуцсан тээврийн хэрэгслийн техникийн бүрэн бүтэн байдалд хяналт тавьж байх, ямар нэг техникийн эвдрэл гэмтэл гарсан даруйд тус компний Тээврийн зохицуулагчид мэдэгдэх
• Эвдрэл гэмтлийг тухайн цагт нь шууд удирдлагадаа мэдэгдэх, гэмтлийг засварлуулж үйлчилгээнд бэлэн байлгах
• Аюулгүй, найдвартай, цэвэрхэн тээврийн хэрэгслээр ажилчид болоод гадаадын мэргэжилтнүүдэд цаг алдалгүй үйлчлэх
• Тээврийн хэрэгслийн явсан зам, км-ын тэмдэглэлийг бүртгэлийн дэвтэрт өдөр бүр бүртгэж байх
• Оффисийн зарим шаардлагатай ажилд биечлэн оролцож туслах
Сонирхож буй хүмүүс дараах бичиг баримтыг бүрдүүлж өгнө үү.
• Товч намтар (CV)
• Ажилд орохыг хүссэн өргөдөл (Монгол хэл дээр)
• “Оюу Толгой” ХХК-ийн ажилд бүртгүүлэх өргөдлийн маягтыг бөглөх (3Х4 хэмжээтэй 1% цээж зураг наасан байх)
• Боловсрол, мэргэжлийн диплом, сертификатын хуулбар
• Иргэний болон жолооны үнэмлэхний хуулбар
• Эрүүл мэндийн болон нийгмийн даатгалын дэвтрийн хуулбар
• Одоогийн болон өмнөх ажил олгогчоос гаргаж өгсөн тодорхойлолтууд
• Оршин суугаа газрын тодорхойлолт
Оюу Толгой төслийн талбарт ажиллаж буй гэрээт компаниудын ажилчид ОТ ХХК-д ажилд орох өргөдөл гаргахаас өмнө энэ тухайгаа өөрийн холбогдох удирдлагадаа мэдэгдэж байхыг санал болгож байна.
2010 оны 9-р сарын 10-ны өдрийн 17.30 цагаас өмнө доорхи хаягаар илгээнэ үү:
Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар 13381
Залуучуудын өргөн чөлөө -26 Утас: 976-331880
Баянзүрх дүүрэг Факс: 976-11-331885
Сөүл бизнес төвийн 6, 7-р давхарт
Mining Engineer
Oyu Tolgoi LLC, an international mining company conducting extensive exploration and project development in Mongolia, is looking for a “Mining Engineer” to fill a position in the Technical Services Department based at the Oyu Tolgoi mine site.
Applicants must demonstrate excellent work ethics and possess the following qualifications:
Essential Qualifications:
• University degree qualifications in mining or geology or equivalent
• Specialist knowledge or experience in one of more of the following areas such as planning software (Vulcan, Mine 2-4D, Ventsim), underground mine planning processes.
Desirable Job Requirements / Training:
• Experience of planning and projects in large underground block cave mine development
• Ability to work with a variety of key stakeholders from senior leadership to shop floor staff
• Culturally sensitive, able to work with a diverse team of people from different cultural and language background
• Organized and able to handle intense workload while paying sufficient attention to details
• Proficient in using Microsoft Office applications especially Excel, Visio, Powerpoint
• Analytical, self driven and a team player
• Fluency in English and Mongolian languages – both verbal and written – would be considered an asset.
Duties and responsibilities
This site-based role is responsible for transferring feasibility study plans and developing them through sound evaluation to create appropriate plans to progress the underground block cave into production. He or she will need to effectively communicate these medium and long range mining plans to the technical and mine development teams in order to achieve Oyu Tolgoi’s mining objectives.
Below are some of the Mining Engineer’s key work areas:
• Basing designs on the Oyu Tolgoi Feasibility Study provide working mine designs that are accurate, practical, consistent with industry standards, and comply with recommended design guidelines and all applicable codes and regulations. Optimize plans and schedules for underground mining to safely maximize development rates
• Undertake continuous improvement projects related to mining or maintenance activities as directed
• Produce, properly document and clearly communicate realistic and workable mining schedules in a timely manner. Present plans for management decision making in an error-free, well organized, concise, and complete manner, writing brief or comprehensive summaries as requested
• Inform stakeholders upstream and downstream (e.g. Feasibility Study staff, Geology staff, Planning Engineers and Operations staff) of plans, recommendations, and requirements, ensuring related calculations are correct and the message is understood
• Calculate mine cost estimates based on research, consultation, history, convention, calculation, or other logical derivation that are acceptable to management
• Undertake field visits, as required to assess current underground status and the accuracy of plans, adjusting plans accordingly to ensure they are realistic
• Expand and update knowledge and skills through continuing professional development (self-directed or employer sponsored) that is consistent with the requirements of the Mongolian and international professional development guidelines.
All interested candidates should submit the following documents:
• Filled out “OT” LLC Vacancy Application Form
• Photo (3x4) – 1 copy
• CV and Cover Letter (in English)
• A copy of all Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates (Notarized)
• A copy of ID and Driving License (Notarized)
• A copy of Social and Health Insurance Books (Notarized)
• Reference or Recommendation Letters from current and/or previous employer
Employees of the subcontractor companies currently working at OT site are strongly encouraged to notify their employer of their intent to apply for a job with OT LLC.
To the following address BEFORE 05:30 PM on 30th August, 2010:
Seoul Business Center, 6th Floor
Bayanzurkh District, Zaluuchuud Avenue-26 Tel: 976-11-331880
Ulaanbaatar-13381, MONGOLIA Fax: 976-11-331885
Ажлын зар /англиас монгол руу/
Position title: Secretary to CEO
Performing duties: Provide secretarial duties to CEO, record, log, distribute and process the incoming and outgoing documents
-University degree, bachelor or higher
-Very good command of oral and written English
-Excellent knowledge of standard computer applications
-Excellent communication skills
-Willing to have a permanent employment
-Graduated as lawyer, economist and finance
-Satisfactory knowledge of Japanese and Russian language
-Previous working experience in related field
-Application form /as given by the bank/
-Picture 1%
-Copy of University diploma
-Copy if National ID
2nd, 3rd Floor, "City Plaza" bldg, Block 6A, Seoul Street, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: (976)-11-321995, 316571, 327193, 323999, 325006
Fax: (976)-11-330913, 330434
E-Mail: info@nibank.mn
Ажлын байрны нэр: Гүйцэтгэх захиралын нарийн бичгийн дарга
Ажлын байрны зорилго: Гүйцэтгэх захиралын ажлын албыг удирдах, туслах, албан бичиг төлөвлөх, хөтлөх, боловсруулах
Тавигдах шаардлага:
· Их дээд сургууль төгссөн, бакалавр ба түүнээс дээш зэрэгтэй
· Англи хэлний бичгийн болон ярианы өндөр чадвартай байх
· Компьютерийн хэрэглээний программуудыг чөлөөтэй ашиглах чадвартай байх
· Харилцааны өндөр соёлтой
· Тогтвор суурьшилтай ажиллах
Давуу тал:
- Эрх зүйч эсвэл эдийн засагч, санхүүгийн мэргэжилтэй бол
- Орос, япон хэлний мэдлэгтэй бол
- Энэ чиглэлээр өмнө ажиллаж байсан дадлага туршлагатай бол
Бүрдүүлэх материал:
- Анкет /байгууллагаас авч бөглөх/
- 1% цээж зураг
- Дипломын хуулбар
- Иргэний үнэмлэхний хуулбар
Хаяг: | |
Тус банкны төв нь Монгол Улсын нийслэл Улаанбаатар хотын төвд “ Сити Плаза” байрны 2, 3 давхарт байрладаг. |
Сүхбаатар дүүрэг |
Улаанбаатар, Монгол улс |
Утас: | 976-11-321995, 316571, 327193, 323999, 325006 |
Факс: | 976-11-330913, 330434 |